Wednesday, May 22, 2013

HART is...

a blending of art and technology. 

"H" for Hawaii as it is unique in its people and cultures.

"A" for Art because it is a field of study whereby students can create and creation is the highest form of cognitive development (seen on the new "Bloom's" taxonomy below and here). Excellence in creativity is what will make our students stand out in the 21st century.

"R" for the *Repertoire (range or number) of creative arts in which students will have experiences.

"T" for Technical tools which students will use to prepare themselves for work and higher education.

Repertoire (rpr-twärthe range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special accomplishments of a particular person or group (

School Development Activities

The prospective school is in the pre-charter application phase. At this time, the school development team is collecting input from prospective students and their families, community leaders, educational entities, local businesses, and experts; interviewing prospective, new development team members; researching funding sources; creating a non-profit corporation; setting up a temporary office; and communicating with the State Public Charter School Commission. If you or someone you know would like a development team member to speak to your group, club, or association about the prospective new charter school, please contact the Development Team through this blog or directly at Mahalo!